Publishing - Western National Parks Association | Donate!


WNPA Publishing House

Explore our award-winning published works

Since its 1938 founding, Western National Parks Association has published award-winning books as a nonprofit publishing partner of the National Park Service. While we’ve greatly expanded our services for our partner parks, we still independently publish books—as well as DVDs and Junior Ranger booklets—to help visitors understand and appreciate national parks.

Our thoroughly researched, well-written, and beautifully designed books cover the specialness of our partner parks. We also issue cookbooks, children’s books, travel guides, and scholarly and reference titles. Every book sale supports the 70+ national parks that we partner with.

White Sands National Park Guide

All-New White Sands National Park Guide On Sale

Located in New Mexico within the world’s largest expanse of gypsum sand dunes, White Sands National Park’s size compares only to the dunefields on planet Mars. This beautifully illustrated, National Park Service–approved interpretive guide introduces readers to the cultural history, geology, ecology, and tourism of one of our nation’s most unique landscapes.

Awards and Honors

We’ve received dozens of awards for book writing, editing, and design. Honors have come from the Arizona Book Awards, Association of Partners for Public Awards, PubWest Design Awards, and Tucson Advertising Federation.

Our publishing affiliations include membership with PubWest, longtime sponsorship of Tucson Festival of Books, and book donations to Literacy Connects.

Channel Islands National Park

Watch Channel Islands National Park, Second Edition Book Trailer

Opportunities with WNPA Publishing

Manuscript Submissions

WNPA is not accepting unsolicited submissions, proposals, manuscripts, or queries at this time. Please check back later for submission opportunities.

Book Sales

If you are a publisher or self-published author and you have a book you’d like sold in a WNPA store, contact


Rights and Permissions

WNPA publications and the contents thereof are not public domain. To ask about using excerpts or images from a WNPA publication, contact

Freelance Opportunities

WNPA works with talented authors, illustrators, and photographers on a freelance basis in our publishing activities. To join our freelancer roster, send your resume, portfolio, and related materials to We will contact you if we want to contract with you.