Outreach & Community Engagement - WNPA | Connect

Outreach & Community Engagement

Working With the Community

Western National Parks Association works to connect people with national parks, even if they haven’t yet visited them. We participate at community events, maintain a lively social media presence, and offer our time and talent promoting the national parks and what they offer. These efforts expose people to our American treasures and help them understand how important and accessible national parks are. We want everyone to know about and experience their national parks.

WNPA presented educational videos and virtual events for park-loving audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WNPA collected 2,381 books to donate to Literacy Connects in Tucson.
12 WNPA employees measured over 150 saguaros in a census to preserve the giant cactus.
Saguaro cactus with four arms at one of Arizona's beautiful national parks Saguaro National Park
Citizen scientists worked on research into the blooming cycle of the saguaro cactus.

WNPA responded to social distancing by increasing its social content, making Junior Ranger Jamboree booklets available online, and providing educational virtual presentations and videos to replace in-person events.

Tucson Festival of Books

In 2019, we showcased the nature, culture, and heritage of 25 national parks to 140,00 visitors to one of the top book events in the United States. As a long-time major sponsor, our pavilion attracts book and nature lovers to hear authors, do fun activities, and plan a national park visit.